A large part of the negative politics in the company serves solely to maintain privileges and positions of power. It is operated by people out of fear and insecurity. They prefer to do what is useful for their positioning and security in the short term. Even if it does little or even harm the company. The fact that they neither advance their area nor the company nor experience a higher level of personal maturity remains hidden from these people if it is not purely intentional.
As a consequence, others feel called to participate in this policy out of a lack of understanding and humanly understandable protective behavior. Most of the time, they just react and go with the flow instead of actively participating. But at some point the ethical compass breaks even for those who have come into the company with the highest levels of integrity. Sacrificed ideals become wasted potential, and entrepreneurial productivity drops alarmingly.
Take politics seriously: Amsterdam Elektricien
You should become aware of politics, not leave it to chance, and focus specifically on the system behind it. Most of the time, one only verbally expresses resignation about how inappropriate and incomprehensible certain behaviors are, instead of intervening.
Take a close look. Who acts, for what reasons, how and when? You as Amsterdam Elektricien must practice empathy. What are the interests behind it? As much as factual arguments are exchanged in meetings, jour fixes and workshops and are therefore in the foreground, so little is it usually about them.
The last two aspects in particular, envy and fear of status and power, are the main drivers of negative politics. This thinking through has two positive effects. You can deal with negative politics more confidently. The reason for this is that you understand the system and recognize that this behavior rarely has anything to do with you personally.
You can counter the whole thing with a well thought-out positive policy and ensure real company performance. This leverage is greater than any reorganization or process optimization because politics is not bad per se. It’s just a question of what style and direction you give it.
Amsterdam Elektricien: Practice positive politics in the company
You pursue positive politics by seeing through the network of effects and the emotional complexity of the power structures in your environment and manipulating them in the interests of the company.