The increasing interconnectedness of the world has far-reaching effects on political communication. People these days are not only checking Sealing concrete floors designs on the internet but political issues as well.

Challenges for the coming years

1. Holistic perspective
In order to understand the political communication of tomorrow, the isolated look at individual Internet applications or the comparison of the Internet and the offline world no longer makes sense. Rather, such a perspective obscures the view of important processes. In political communication, in particular, real events such as press conferences or demonstrations are intertwined with communication about these events in digital spaces.

2. Naive hypotheses
Research on media use and the effects of media has so far not been included in the political assessment of digital communication problems.

3. Reinventing the public
This leads you to what is probably the most critical point in the question of how communication about politics can be organized in the digitized future. The phenomena such as fake news and hate communication, which are currently very critically and fearfully discussed which has been developed over many decades, are slowly being eroded.

Consequences for politics, politicians and the election campaign

Since the public is a fundamental and indispensable basis for democratic politics, the general question arises: How strongly are parties, politicians, and the entire representative, parliamentary democracy affected by these processes of change?

One challenge is to better meet the citizens’ increasing expectations of participation. These demands are articulated today in social media, but they also have their origin in the increased level of education, the change in social values ​​, and the increasing economization of many areas of life.

In addition to a more transparent and participative organization of political processes, the redefinition of journalism is also one of the future challenges: While journalism as a collector and disseminator of information is less and less needed, the evaluation, examination, and classification by credible authorities are perhaps even more important today than it used to be.

And finally, the role of the citizens is becoming more important: greater participation in politics and the public, on the one hand, is faced with greater responsibility on the other.